Day: March 24, 2022

How to Lift Without Hurting Your Back – Free Health Videos


R culture. It’s not because we’re weak. Most likely, many people were not properly educated on how to lift large objects. This video will demonstrate how you can safely lift large objects and not risk putting your back in pain. If your injuries are related to work it is recommended to contact an attorney for assistance.

When lifting, the first thing to do is keep the object as close as you are able to it your body. Be aware of this when you descend to get the item. If you take the object, it will become impossible to secure your grip. Avoid twisting the object while you carry it because this could cause things like hernias. Instead, use your feet to pivot.

When you are descending to lift a heavy object, bend with your kneesand not your back. Only a little curve to remain in your lower back. Grab the object and move your hips towards the back. The head must be elevated. This will give you the ideal posture for lifting. You can lift with your legs.
