Do You Bookmark? What Do You Do With Them When You Do?

At this point, everybody should know how to bookmark this page. Bookmarking is simple, incredibly helpful, and virtually everyone takes advantage of it. But, did you know that there are some things that you can do to make your bookmarking experience even easier?

As if it could be possible! But it can. Just read on for some tips on how to share with your friends, how best to organize, and what other bookmarking options you have available to you.

  • How Many Bookmarked Sites Do You Have?
  • We humans have a tendency to collect things, long after we have the need for them. It could be attributed to our ancestors who had to keep everything in case they needed it later on, and if they did not have it, it could have been a matter of life and death. We can thank them for that later, but first we need to address the fact that there is a good chance that you have way more bookmarks in your toolbar than you need.

    You should treat your bookmarks bar like you treat your closet. Every now and then you should really be going through and purging it of links (or clothes) that you just have no need of. If you haven’t used a link in a month, look it over one last time, and then get rid of it. A lot of the time, and I’m guilty of this myself, bookmarks get added as an “I’ll get to that later”, but you never get to it. Spend an hour every Saturday morning actually getting back to these things, so you can then get rid of them and de-clutter.

  • Share With Your Friends
  • Social media has made it easier than ever before to share with your friends what you found funny, poignant, important, absurd, et cetera. But, there can be a fine line in doing such. You don’t want to annoy your friends (right?). So don’t spam them with every single link you visit every day. Make it so they look forward to your links, and thoroughly enjoy them when you do post a bookmark.

  • Other Bookmarking Options
  • If you just have too many bookmarks, and cannot get rid of any of them, sometimes the bookmark toolbar will not provide enough functionality. That is when you should look into bookmark software, or an online bookmark manager. These separate programs allow you to have much more control and customization over how your bookmarks are organized and presented.

Bookmarking can be simple, until you make them unnecessarily complex. Remember to save what you need, and get rid of what you don’t. By keeping your bookmarks organized and easy to understand, you’ll never find yourself spending five minutes looking for a bookmark in your toolbar, thusly defeating the purpose of making it a bookmark in the first place.